Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Changing Careers is Uncomfortable - Thats a Good Thing

Changing Careers is Uncomfortable - Thats a Good Thing Career Change Isnt Easy Change feels uncomfortablefor everyone!  That is why change can be so difficult. If you want to see a change in your career, it isn’t likely going to be easy and may not feel comfortable. Of course, those feeling are normal for a worthwhile change and even many small changes. Its analogous to trying to lose weight. Restricting your diet and exercising more are not easy changes which is why we procrastinate. We definitely want the results, but realize that it will be difficult at times.  The inconvenience of waking up early, driving to the gym, or even putting on our gym clothes.  It is difficult to change your behavior and habits.  However, with enough practice, patience and diligence your work pays off. Career Change Isnt Easy This applies to your career as well. Doing the same routine at your job every day feels comfortable. You know what is expected of you, you understand the culture, and, while you might not enjoy the work, you enjoy the feeling of comfort the job provides.  However, when you look in the mirror it’s not what you want to see. Making a career change, usually isnt easy. There may be a lot of discomfort. For starters, its uncomfortable just figuring out where to start. You dont enjoy your current job, but youre not sure why. Maybe you know why but you don’t know what to do about it. Just the thought of searching for a new job or new career can be overwhelming, especially if you haven’t hunted for a job in a while. It can be particularly uncomfortable when you have been in one career for a long time but want to change to something very different. You will wonder: Will I really enjoy that work? Can I earn the same amount from this new work? Are my skills sufficient for this new career? Who will hire me without sufficient experience? How long will the transition take? Its Easy to Stay in a Job You Dont Like The list goes on. Just contemplating these factors causes enough discomfort to stop some people before getting started. Those who push on realize the discomfort as they address the above factors and advance further in their career transition. This isnt easy and explains why many people stay in a career or job they dislike.  Some people get help from a career coach which helps them stay on course.  We all need support and encouragement to take even small steps. The good thing is, change takes time.  We only need to do the next right thing and see what happens.  The answers come and it becomes easier each time to take the next step.  Before you know it, you are in a job you love, developing and building skills that make an impact! Exploring a career change is an investment in yourself and your future. If you can push through the discomfort, you may see the results and change your career and change your life. Think.Inspire.Change.Grow. By Dawn Shaw|2017-04-21T18:20:48+00:00September 25th, 2014|Career Change|0 Comments

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